All you need to know

Who is the OCAC?

O’Fallon Community Athletic Club, or OCAC, is a not-for-profit organization that provides children the opportunity to play organized baseball or softball.

Who runs the League?

The OCAC is a non-for-profit organization of volunteers established in 1960. We are dedicated to providing a quality baseball and softball program for the youth of O’Fallon and surrounding communities in St. Charles County, Missouri.

How does the League fund its activities?

OCAC is a non-for-profit 501c3 organization registered with the IRS. Funding is derived from player registration fees and Tournaments. We do not receive any financial support from the State of Missouri, St. Charles County, City of O’Fallon or any other organizations.

Is OCAC associated with the City of O’Fallon?

NO the OCAC is not directly associated with the City of O’Fallon. However, OCAC does lease its fields from the City of O’Fallon.

When does the season begin and end?

Please check the OCAC Home page on the web site for exact League dates and events. Typically, the spring season begins the firset part of April and extends to the end of July and the fall season begains first part of September and extends to he end of October.

Where are league games played?

OCAC utilizes Westhoff Park and Ozzie Smith Sports Complex. Some Age divisions may also play games at St. Paul.

Does the OCAC have concession duty?

No. The concessions are run by the city.

Do I have to participate in any fundraising?

No, at this time OCAC is not running any fundraisers. However you may be asked to participate in a team fundraiser to help pay for extras the team needs.

My child isn’t on a team. Can they still sign up?

Yes, OCAC accepts individual registrations.

My child has never played organized baseball before. Can they still sign up?

Yes, OCAC accepts players at all skill levels.

How is a player’s age determined?

For spring season, Baseball is May 1st, and softball is January 1st of the current year. For fall season, Baseball is May 1st, and softball is January1st of the next year.

How are players placed on teams?

Players can be part of an organized team that joins OCAC to play together or they can sign up individually as “draft” players. Draft players are placed together to form new teams or used to fill spots on organized teams that need additional players. We will do our best to place players in the order they signed up, but due to the lack of field space and the growing number of kids wanting to play we cannot guarantee placement.

What days and times are the games played?

Most teams in the League are scheduled for one game a week, and in some divisions teams are scheduled for two games a week. Game days are scheduled Monday through Friday, games generally will begin at 6:00pm and second games 7:30pm to 8:15pm.

How many games are played during the season?

The league plays a 12-game regular spring season and a 8-game fall season. (Unless otherwise noted)

Are there any rules regarding minimum playing time?

Yes, these rules will vary by division/age group. There is a minimum playing time required for each division/age group. Please refer to the league rules posted on the OCAC website for your specific division/age group.

Can we request for our child to be with a certain manager/coach or teammate?
